Accreditation of Arbitration Centers

Accreditation of Arbitration Centers

Criteria for Selecting and Evaluating Arbitration Centers to Ensure the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Arbitration Procedures

Accreditation of Arbitration Centers

Accreditation of arbitration centers is a vital process to ensure the quality and reliability of arbitration procedures and is an essential part of the arbitration system. Through this service, the International Arbitration Union contributes to enhancing the credibility of arbitration centers and ensuring their compliance with the highest international and local standards. The accreditation process focuses on evaluating the centers and ensuring their adherence to strict quality and professional standards, which enhances their ability to provide effective and fair arbitration services. The International Arbitration Union plays a key role in this process by establishing clear standards and precise procedures to ensure the delivery of high-quality arbitration services.

Objectives of Accreditation

The primary objectives of accrediting arbitration centers include improving the quality of the services provided and increasing the parties' trust in the arbitration process. Accreditation helps ensure that the centers follow best practices and adhere to international standards, thereby enhancing their credibility and contributing to building trust in the arbitration system as a whole.

Criteria for Accrediting Arbitration Centers

The process of accrediting arbitration centers is one of the basic elements that the International Arbitration Federation focuses on to ensure the provision of high-quality arbitration services. The Federation uses a set of precise and comprehensive criteria to evaluate and accredit arbitration centres, including:

1. Neutrality and independence: One of the fundamental dimensions of the accreditation process is ensuring that arbitration centers operate with complete objectivity and without being influenced by any external pressures. This is done by evaluating the center's policies and procedures to ensure that they ensure the separation of conflicting parties without any interference or bias. This includes reviewing how arbitrators are selected and decision-making mechanisms to ensure that all processes are conducted transparently and independently.

2. Professional Experience: Evaluating the professional experience of arbitrators and administrators at the center is a crucial factor in the accreditation process. The International Federation of Arbitration reviews the qualifications and experiences of those working at the Center to ensure that they possess the necessary skills and knowledge to manage arbitration operations effectively. This includes an assessment of their educational backgrounds and work experience in arbitration, as well as any certifications or specialized training they may have obtained.

3. Equipment and infrastructure: Appropriate equipment and infrastructure play a vital role in supporting the effectiveness of arbitration processes. The International Arbitration Federation reviews the facilities and technologies used in the centers to ensure that they support the arbitration process efficiently. This includes examining room equipment, communication tools, and techniques used to document and manage documents. The goal is to ensure that the infrastructure contributes to facilitating procedures and providing a suitable environment for conducting arbitration in an orderly and efficient manner.

Accreditation Process

Application Submission: Centers seeking accreditation submit a comprehensive application that includes detailed information about their services and procedures.
Evaluation: A thorough review of all aspects of the center's operations is conducted by a specialized committee from the union.
Recommendations: Based on the evaluation, the committee issues recommendations regarding the granting of accreditation or requests for improvements.
Issuance and Review: After meeting the requirements, the accreditation is granted to the center, along with a system for periodic reviews to ensure continued compliance with the standards.

The role of the International Federation of Arbitration:

The International Federation of Arbitration is considered the international body that guarantees the application of the highest standards of accreditation for arbitration centers in the world by conducting evaluation, matching and qualification processes for these centers and training administrative and technical cadres to raise efficiency and awareness of good arbitration methods and practices globally. The Federation also provides support and guidance to accredited centers to improve their performance and sustainability.